Just A Thought...

Just A Thought...

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret ob being content in any and every situation..."  Phillipians 4:12 NIV
As Christians we can recall from memory the 13th verse of this passage but what about the passages prior?  You know...the ones that accompany verse 13?  See, those are the hard ones.  Speaking of being in plenty and in want...that Paul was content no matter what.  That is hard to put into practice because it means that I have to look outside myself and the circumstance or situation I find myself in.  I have to look to Christ.  We say that is easy but what happens when Christ says "get out of the boat"?  Remember Peter in the gospels when Peter said "If it is really you, tell me to come to you" (Paul Scott Paraphrase) and Jesus...probably to Peter's suprise...invited him to come join Him...on the water...with the waves crashing and an impossible position for a mere mortal to be in...Peter stepped out but he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused his attention on his circumstances...impossible circumstances...and began to sink.  What did Jesus say to him?  Why did you doubt?  Contentment comes in knowing Who is going to see you through the circumstances of this life...both the impossible and the mundane.  Have the faith of the Apostle Paul...learn that the "secret" of being content lies in not only what you know but Who you know...
- We have our Fith Sunday Singing coming up on May 31st beginning at 4:30pm.  A fellowship will follow immediately after.  We would love to see you there!!
- Sunday Morning Bible Study (Sunday School) will begin again May 17th at 10:00am.  COVID tried to throw us a curve but all it did was create new opportunities to minister!